Make Informed Investment Decisions.

2 reports each month per region


Insights from experienced analysts
HALO Technologies is now offering company research and market commentary through our NEW HALO Investing Reports covering, the Americas, Asia and EMEA overseas markets. Each month you will receive two new company insights for your chosen region, authored by HALO’s legendary Head of Global Equity Research Clay Carter.

Americas Investing Report

Asia Investing Report

EMEA Investing Report

Investing in the Americas

The Americas Investing Report covers not just U.S companies, but the entirety of the Americas which includes Canada, Mexico, Central America and Latin America.

While the U.S. will always be a strong focus due to the number of high quality and innovative companies in the S&P 500, there are also opportunities for investors in the “rest” of the Americas.

The Americas Investing Report will provide investors with two trade recommendations per month. Each recommendation will provide research and insights on the company background, financials, an investment thesis plus any downside risks.

Investing in Asia

As the powerhouse of global economic growth, Asia has been under-invested by global investors. By 2025, Asia will become more important in the global economy as China, India and Indonesia moves up or enters the top 10 rankings.

Our initial focus will be major markets in Asia, covering China, India, Japan, South Korea and Indonesia.

China has a complete set of industry chains spanning across all industries. The eight strategic emerging industries are the new-generation information technology, bioindustry, high-end equipment manufacturing, new material, new energy, intelligent and new energy vehicles, energy conservation and environmental protection, and digital creative.

As the world’s largest generic pharmaceuticals and IT service provider, India’s competitive advantage in these 2 areas are unquestionable. Other major industries include Iron & Steel, Textiles, Jute, Sugar, Cement, Paper, Petrochemical, Automobile and Banking & Insurance. Japan’s quality craftsmanship and manufacturing excellence ensures it enjoys strong competitive advantages in consumer goods and advanced manufacturing. South Korea has become a high-technology, industrialized, $2 trillion economy led by such sectors as electronics, telecommunications, automobile production, chemicals, shipbuilding, and steel. Indonesia’s abundance and variety of commodities is a vital asset to the country’s economy.

The Asia Investing Report will provide investors with a diverse set of recommendations including research and insights on the company background, financials, an investment thesis plus any downside risks.

Investing in Europe, the Middle East and Africa

The Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region poses challenges even for a seasoned investor with numerous cultures, currencies, economies, governments and, regulatory frameworks to consider. As a result, Continental Europe offers a diverse range of characteristics and risk profiles providing many interesting and varying opportunities across nations such as France, Germany, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Access to numerous companies from the Middle East and Africa are also available via the mainstream stock exchanges such as those located in London and Frankfurt.

Smothering regulations and bureaucracy objections often arise; however, this is not a unique trait to Europe but has led to many countries within the region to be forward looking and in-turn are now known for their high standards, sprouting many of the world’s highest rated sustainable companies with particular excellence in fields such as clean energy, healthcare and manufacturing.

The strict guidelines and mature markets have created stability leading to many companies focusing on dividends rather than striving for growth, particularly those headquartered in Italy and the United Kingdom. However, if seeking alternative exposure to the financial sector is desired, then you do not have to wander too far to Germany to gain access to quality companies involved in materials and industrials or to France for their strength in the consumer discretionary sector. If energy (clean/traditional) or healthcare allocation is desired than the Nordic countries should be of interest.

The EMEA Investing Report will provide investors with a diverse set of recommendations including research and insights on the company background, financials, an investment thesis plus any downside risks.

Clay Carter

HALO Head of Global Equity Research

Clay’s almost 40 years of experience includes senior portfolio management roles at AMP, Legal and General Life of Australia, PM Capital, QBE Insurance and Perennial Investment Partners. He has developed alternative methods to traditional market analysis and portfolio management, was a key contributor to the Eureka Report, and regularly appeared on CNBC Asia and Bloomberg TV.